Water and wastewater pipelines represent significant investments by owners and disruptions in these pipelines create inconvenience and safety concerns for users. Therefore, long service life is essential for the pipeline materials. Concrete Pressure Pipe is a widely used material for conveyance of water and wastewater that has been used for more than 80 years.
ACPPA President Kevin Baas (P.E.) will be presenting a paper that discusses the corrosion protection methods used for concrete pressure pipe to ensure long service life. It will cover both the inherent corrosion control properties of concrete pressure pipe and supplemental corrosion control methods used in extremely aggressive environments.
This paper will be presented Wednesday morning followed by a panel discussion on various pipe materials and corrosion control properties at this year’s AMPP Conference, taking place in Nashville, TN.
For more information on the event, please visit the conference website at the link below:
AMPP Annual Conference + Expo – AMPP Annual Conference + Expo