

…to be the preeminent authority on the application and use of concrete pressure pipe in the water industries. To ensure consistent quality standards throughout the industry.


…to promote and advance the concrete pressure pipe industry through education and information

Inspired by Excellence & Innovation

Established in 1949, the American Concrete Pressure Pipe Association (ACPPA) is a leading nonprofit trade organization representing global manufacturers of concrete pressure pipes. ACPPA is dedicated to promoting and advancing the use of concrete pressure pipes in water and wastewater applications through research projects, educational programs, and the management of an independent audit program.
The audit program certifies compliance with all relevant American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards for the design and manufacture of concrete pressure pipes.

Empowering the Future with Concrete Pressure Pipe Expertise: ACPPA

Meet our Team


Kevin Baas, P.E. has nearly 40 years’ experience in concrete, steel, and fiberglass pipe design, manufacturing, quality assurance, construction, and pipeline design. He was selected President of the American Concrete Pressure Pipe Association (ACPPA) on May 1, 2023, and previously participated on ACPPA committees and most recently served as Technical Committee Chair. His activities within AWWA include serving on various Concrete Pressure Pipe Standards Committees. He graduated from Purdue University with a BSCE. Kevin is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a licensed professional engineer in Mississippi and Texas.

Jim Tully


Domenico Miceli

Vice Chair
Rinker Materials


Thomson Pipe Group


The ACPPA is comprised of various committees that are crucial to the organization’s success in achieving our goals. Each committee is comprised of dedicated individuals from within the association and the various member companies. These committees work together as a team to continuously promote and develop the ACPPA and to educate and support others in the water pipeline industry.

Board of Directors

The ACPPA Board of Direction consists of officers representing member companies. The Board establishes and oversees the priorities, objectives and overall direction of the Association.

Technical Commitee

The technical committee participates in the development and progression of industry standards and sponsors research to enhance the design and manufacturing of concrete pressure pipe. They are also responsible for generating educational material pertaining to CPP.

Marketing Commitee

The marketing committee develops and delivers promotional and educational documents and programs to raise awareness of concrete pressure pipe. The marketing committee strives to ensure that information pertaining to CPP is readily available to owners, engineers and contractors to allow them to make educated decisions on pipe material selection for their projects.

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